Multispectral Sensor

Multispectral Sensor


RedEdge-MX Sensor Specifications

Weight231.9 g (8.18 oz.)
(includes DLS 2 and cables)
Dimensions8.7cm x 5.9cm x 4.54cm
(3.4in x 2.3in x 1.8in)
External Power4.2 V DC – 15.8 V DC
4 W nominal, 8 W peak
Spectral BandsBlue, green, red, red edge, near-IR
(global shutter, narrowband)
Wavelength (nm)

Blue (475 nm center, 32 nm bandwidth),

green (560 nm center, 27 nm bandwidth),

red (668 nm center, 14 nm bandwidth),

red edge (717 nm center, 12 nm bandwidth),

near-IR (842 nm center, 57 nm bandwidth)

RGB Color OutputGlobal shutter, aligned with all bands
Ground Sample Distance (GSD)8 cm per pixel (per band) at 120 m (~400 ft) AGL
Capture Rate1 capture per second (all bands), 12-bit RAW
InterfacesSerial, 10/100/1000 ethernet, removable Wi-Fi, external trigger, GPS, SDHC
Field of View47.2° HFOV
Triggering OptionsTimer mode, overlap mode, external trigger mode (PWM, GPIO, serial, and Ethernet options), manual capture mode

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